How the heck did I fix the Master Boot Record to give dual boot options?
- Reboot the computer using CTRL ALT DEL.
- Interrupt the start up sequence to change the BIOS settings. (Hold down the DEL key).
- Following the BIOS menu, change the boot sequence so the system will boot first from the CD drive.
- Save the settings and exit (F10 key usually)
- When the PC restarts, pop the UBUNTU Linux Installation Disc in the CD drive.
- At the UBUNTU menu, start a CD only session. (Don't install!!!).
- Open a terminal session to initiate GRUB. Enter the following commands:
- sudo grub
- find /boot/grub/stage1 (Will return the drive and partition numbers in the format hd?,?)
- root (hd?,?) (Where Linux root resides, (say) hd0,4 which is /dev/sda, partition 4)
- setup (hd?) (Writes the GRUB Bootstrap loader to the Master Boot Record on the nominated hd)
- quit
- Back up, then Edit the menu.lst file
- sudo cp /boot/grub/menu.lst menu.lst.old
- sudo gedit /boot/grub/menu.lst
- Delete any irrelevant menu references to operating systems other than those installed on the PC.
- Change the default start up operating system. This is given by 'default value'. It coincides with the menu line you would like the system to automatically boot into if there is no user input. (Count starts at 0 for the first menu line).
- Reboot and test each menu line and automatic boot for correct operation.
- If you get stuck, come back in via the CD as above and start again.
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